Saturday, September 27, 2008


Holy SHIT it hurt!! But the antibiotics are working now (I'm on two at the same time ) and I'm starting to feel better.

I think I'm just a pain wimp.

Apparently it's a skin infection starting at the entrance of my damn right drainage tube!

THANK GOD for Peter Youngs and Kristy Middleton, who took Paul and Delphine today. I slept from 10am to 3pm.

On the up side, it's the first time I've *really* felt like a sick person -- so I really really enjoyed the cards from A&H in the mail today! I didn't think my spirits needed lifting, but I felt very buoyed.

Here's what sucks -- the antibiotics take away my appetite and my ability to taste -- that whole post-orgasmic food experience is on hold for while.


I'll write more later. My right arm doesn't like this typing stuff right now.

Yesterday's stats:

Left side 40 ml
Right side 105 ml


Rebecca said...

Hi Suzy,

I think Francois told you I've read your entire blog. Thanks so much. Your courage helps me have courage just for the day-to-day which can sometimes be more difficult than it needs to be. I think of you each day. Good Work!


Suzy said...

You're so kind Rebecca. We've had it so easy because of all of the support we've both had from work, friends and family.

And you know what? I think the day-to-day takes MUCH more courage!

This is so finite. It's very clear.

And you get so much positive attention for, really, doing nothing at all!

Thank you again for the flowers. They are still beautiful.