Monday, September 22, 2008

I wonder....

I wonder if I will ever have a bm again.

I wonder where the tubes coming out of my body actually come from?

I wonder how come they don't just pull right out when I accidently catch them on kitchen cabinet door knobs.

Yesterday's fluid stats:

Left Side -- 45 ml (ALMOST THERE!!)
Right Side -- 90 ml (Half of yesterday's total!!)

Remember we're aiming for less than 30 ml on each side.

The flowers, cards, food and gifts are helping to nurture my 8-year old daughter's suspicion that I went and got this cancer on purpose -- just to make her papa "my servant" and to get out of my regular 'maman' duties. I can see where she's coming from. I feel very very good -- so all of this support and attention feels a bit like a vacation. And, uh, (ahem) I have been known to go to great lengths to be the center of attention.

Still, I find her adorable and funny now, but once that chemo puts me in fast-track menopause, she better watch out!! (LOL)

She was very happy to have me brush her hair this morning for school.

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