Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Radiologists are COOL!

So Dr. Mitchell is apparently the father of Ian Mitchell who has been a classmate of my daughter's since Kindergarten!  GETOUTTAHERE!

Dr. Mitchell was the oncologist on call who met with me to talk about radiation.  We spent a lot of time talking about kids, teenagers, high schools, peer pressures.

He was so careful to be PRESENT with me and so intentional about connecting with me.

Radiologists deal with pain.  We went through my PET scan and he would touch the parts of my body with tumors and ask me if the pain was here or below or above.

It was such a CLEAR feeling.  And then we decided to work on just one of the tumors.

And in one week...

I can sleep in ANY position!  (I have been sleeping on my back in yoga shavasana position for a year.)

I can walk up steps!

I can pick things up off the ground!

I can sit...without nerve pain going down my leg!

I can wake up and get into a sitting position without gathering the courage to beforehand...

It's so wonderful to UNDERSTAND my pain ...and to see an approach to combatting pain work.

Thank you Dr. Wahl and Dr. Mitchell

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