Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Family Therapist

When it came time to go see the family therapist I selected, I expected resistance.  For me, a sign of how serious my kids take this, was their docile compliance.  I've been analyzing my own ego for almost my entire life -- and I've been working with a great therapist for over a year.  So the session we had with the therapist seemed slow and shallow to me.

I was certain that when we left the session they family would complain.

They LOVED her!  They loved hearing everyones' answers.  They felt heard.

It made me realize that even though I think I have a special talent for connecting with some core emotions people are exuding -- I don't know how they are thinking about what they are feeling.  And, really, I don't know what they are feeling, then.

I need to ask more questions and listen more carefully.

But today, I am grateful for a good therapist and a willing family.


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