Sunday, March 29, 2015

Updates and Stats

The good news is that with a weekly chemo treatment that consists of Taxol and steroids, my life is GRAND!  I spend my days after chemo treatments travelling to visit old friends in Oregon, chatting and sipping cider until 1 in the morning, spending accelerated death benefits on impulsively FUN technology, hosting family, friends, and children for egg hunts, trampoline sword fights, corned beef and wine...and swimming and walking and laughing and working and loving.

My liver enzymes keep going down, so it appears the treatment is working there.  My strength and stamina keep going up, so that's a good sign, too.  The steroids were a bit, uh, energizing!  So my oncologist took reduced the dosage.   I wasn't surprised to feel some bone "twinges" come back after that.  I could feel the steroids kick out my bone pain that very first chemo session.  I left feeling SO much better than I entered.

The climb of the tumor markers has slowed, but not stopped.  It's too early to tell if this is because of a lag time and we've yet to see evidence of the results or whether the reaction to this treatment, like all of the treatments we've tried, is mixed.  We'll be doing another PET scan around April 23rd.

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